Automated Demand Response (ADR)

Create a revenue-generating asset!

Automated Demand Response

Enabling Auto-DR goes beyond just automating your demand response participation—it enhances your control over daily operations, optimizes energy costs, and ensures swift responses to grid emergencies. At Enersponse, we don’t push expensive control systems. Instead, we help you leverage existing infrastructure while planning for future upgrades.

Why Choose Enersponse Automated your DR programs?

Demand response doesn’t mean shutting down your facility. We work with you to identify smart strategies to offset energy consumption while keeping you in full control of operations and maintaining your products within safe and regulated conditions.

  • We integrate with most building management systems for seamless participation.

  • Earn ongoing capacity and energy payments from utilities or aggregators for participating in an Auto-DR program.

  • Participate in Enersponse Auto-DR programs, where demand response events are automatically dispatched based on predetermined parameters set by your team –  optimizing your energy use while earning incentives.

  • No manual intervention, no hassle—just seamless automation.

  • Enersponse handles all the legwork, making participation simple.

  • Take advantage of available rebates and incentives to offset the cost of enabling Auto-DR at your facility.

    *Available with participating utilities.

With our DRMS platform, our customers have access to:

Real-time monitoring & automated control

Instant, accurate response to demand signals

Improved impact reporting

How ADR Works

Work with Enersponse Today

Join Enersponse today and turn energy management into a strategic advantage while supporting a more reliable, sustainable grid.